A *Quilt Study*


*A quilt study with Paper, Paint and Cloth*  38" by 32"

I would like to do a new *paper, paint and cloth* quilt with a particular design I have in my mind. Because I don't know if it's going to work I have decided to do a *study* quilt.

To make my task more interesting I designed different blocks:

I had quite a few to choose from. Settle for the last two blocks. I needed to figure it out how to sew them together: find the perfect thread for piecing and for stitching in the ditch, the best machine needle, temperature of the iron, thin batting, which backing fabric, etc.

Even if you are a quilter that likes to work with only fabric you must have a practice piece, same as your final project to figure it out all these details. Well when it is a mixed media quilt you really have to take all these in consideration, specially if it's a new technique. I learned a lot!

I will work in my new quilt and will write about it here.

For now I must finish getting ready for my on-line classes at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza.

I will be teaching *Instant Paper-Cloth* and *Criss Cross Paint and Cloth*  You can read more about HERE and you can see this VIDEO

This classes has NO kits so it's open to everybody wherever you live.

I hope you will join me so we can have fun doing ART together.

Thank you for stopping by. 


I link with Off the Wall and to Kelly's Blog

*New* Year, *New* challenges

It's a New Year! This time of the year always makes me reflect and think where I am in my life and how this influences my art.
It is always part of a story in progress. I try to use materials in a different way, a way that stretches me in different directions.

I love to challenge myself. And this year will be no different. With all that is happening in the world my need for art has substantially increased.

Currently I am working on a *pieced* quilt, yes it is my first time working with little pieces of fabric. The next picture  shows one third of the quilt. It still is a work in progress. It is composed of 365 little squares. If you do a search online about *Temperature quilts* you will see hundreds of beautiful designs; mine is made from paper, paint and cloth!

The picture above shows a finished pillow based on my workshop *Surprise Printing on the Go* -a portable painting technique.

Do you feel the need to do more art as well?

CrafNapa *Grab-Bags*

Mixed media Butterfly

 *CraftNapa Specials*  are available at my MY STORE

Enclosed are fifteen *unique* labeled surface design fabric/paper pieces, most developed by me. Some techniques has been published and some not yet.

Includes: washable paper-cloth (INC- infused newsprint cloth), foil, flocking, clamp resist with dyes, ghost printing with paint, cheesecloth skin with hand-calligraphy, cheesecloth skin with silkscreened designs, sheer paper-cloth, painted Evolon, ghost printing with rubbings, ghost printing with dye, over dyed and silkscreened cloth, iced dyed fabric, hand carved stamps on fabric, speckle paint.

You can use the fifteen pieces to incorporate within your own work or you can make a butterfly pattern with included instructions. (shown above)

I made a limited quantity and I hope you like them. *Domestic free shipping*. Not international shipping.

*Paper and Fabric Appliqué* Workshop with Uncommon Threads Guild

 I gave one of my workshops, *Paper and Fabric Appliqué*, to these lovely ladies from the Uncommon Threads Guild here in Memphis TN. I enjoyed watching their faces light up when they discovered how to work with paper and  incorporate it into a quilt!

Thank you for having me.

Quilt National Workshop *Recycled Newspaper and Cloth*


Washable Newsprint Cloth
Doing more samples for my  coming workshop at The Dairy Barn Art Center.
Interlocking paint designs with recycled newspaper is just  one of the techniques I will be teaching.

the end result is a soft cloth that can be used in a quilt or wearable art.