Global Quilt Connection Event *SPECIALS*
Dimensional Designs with *Light Modeling Paste* is the topic of my demo for the Global Quilt Connection Sampler Event .
Enclosed are fifteen *unique* labeled surface design fabric/paper pieces, most developed by me. Some techniques has been published and some not yet.
Temperature Quilt with *Paper + Paint and Cloth*
After 365 blocks each sized 2 1/2 inches, my temperature quilt is finally done! Finished size 33" by 62".
Here are the details.
When I read about the call from Modern Guild to create an exhibit of temperature quilts for QuiltCon 2022 I started to investigate. After reading and seeing beautiful quilts I decided to make one. Of course I had to put a twist on it. I challenged myself on doing a pieced quilt with paper + paint and cloth.
After the paint was ready I cut out the little squares of white fabric and INC (infused newsprint cloth). I purposefully omitted newspapers from the year 2020. Needless to say we've all had a rough past year and I simply did not want to include negative news.
CrafNapa *Grab-Bags*
I made a limited quantity and I hope you like them. *Domestic free shipping*. Not international shipping.
Temperature Quilt with *Paper + Cloth + Paint*
I made this short video to show how I started a temperature quilt. I was going to do it from November 2020 until November 2021 but then decided to include only this year.
Luckily, you can easily find online the temperature records from any city and or year. It's a challenge since I usually don't do piecing in my work; each block is 2 1/2 inches square but It's exciting at the same time because nature decides which colors to use. At the end it will be a nice surprise when the 365 squares are going to be sewn together.
I am enjoying the slow process.
Have you ever done a temperature quilt?
I am linked to:
*ZOOM* Meeting Artcloth with Paper and Fabric
27 inches by 31 inches
Then I chose old newspapers from the bin. In this case, the papers came from seven different countries.
After the newsprint was infused into the cloth (INC a washable paper and cloth) a new painting technique was applied which I called *Phantom Printing*. With this technique one never knows for certain where the images appear. It thus has a certain serendipity factor in it. The picture above has the first layer application.
This picture shows the second layer, the *surprise* layer where a second image appears, in this case the white lettering.