*BLUE* quilt - *Stitched* Celebrating the Art of Quilting
To celebrate *The Art of Quilting in Memphis-Tennessee* I am participating in an event called Stitched.
The requirements are to make a stitched three layer quilt with any material but a measurement of 24" by 24". Also, it has to be predominantly in blue color.
Did anybody mention *ANY material*? Of course I took advantage of this and embarked on making the quilt you see above with paper and fabric.
For the background fabric I applied hand-lettered words to write *Blue-Azúl* . I also made brick shapes in different hues of blue.
Then, I applied my technique Infused Newsprint Cloth (INC) as part of the flower shapes.
Afterwards, simple hand stitching with thick embroidery thread was applied (the same color as my paint)
I used the *Hug Stitch* around the flowers and on top in brick shapes for texture.
As a surprise to the viewer I hid the word blue. So while quilting the three layers together I made sure to stop at the drawed lines which caused the letters to pop out. It will be interesting to see how many people will notice this detail :).
I will be teaching Infused Newsprint cloth in May: more details here.