My latest *Article* in Quilting Arts Magazine

My latest article was recently published in Quilting Arts Magazine August/September 2018.
I am on page 84. With this article you will learn how to
make textured embellishments with modeling paste and paint. Now you can match your embellishments, shapes and colors!!

I hope you will try this technique out and have as much fun as I did.

*Taming Tulle* and *Instant Bling* Workshop

I'd love to spark your creativity at one of my *NEW* workshops:

Foil Pen Play *Instant Bling*

Add *instant* bling to your quilts with metal foils and the deco-foil adhesive pen. Perfect to use up fabric scraps from previous projects.
Learn a fool proof technique that can be used with different fabric types.

Make a *Foil Town* quilt top.

Taming Tulle

 Learn how to tame this lightweight fabric to add lettering and delicate designs to your quilts.

Make an unusual *Fish Theme* quilt top.

Houston International Quilt Festival 2016

Oh I’m happy packing for Houston and finishing the kits for my classes.

 This is a detail of my *Blue Dodo*quilt. It is a finalist in the World of Beauty Contest at the International Festival! For those who don't already know, this is a juried show. I hope to see you there.

International Quilt Festival 2015.....Trick or Treats....

*Halloween Creatures*
Saturday, October 31st, Halloween Tricks and Treats Forum from 2:00 -5:00 pm. Join me with five wonderful artists: Laurie Ceesay, Pamela Damour, Nancy Goldsworthy, Diane Herbort and Cinsy Souder, to learn real *treats*.

 I will teach how to make delightful and spooky folk art Halloween creatures by stenciling and stitching. Class #760.
You can visit some of the teachers here: and ; for more details.

Creating Texture on a Paper and Fabric Quilt with Aurifil Threads

*Flowers for Sophia*- a newsprint infused paper and fabric quilt (32 inches by 30 inches)
From the picture below you can see how the quilt started. The flowers where painted over an infused newsprint fabric. It looked nice but flat, so I decided to go to my drawer where I keep my threads and..
 ..chose Aurifil 28w thread for machine stitching....
..and12w thread for hand embroidery. Then I applied some seed beads.

I love how the different thickness of threads with a combination of simple stitches made the quilt *sing* creating texture and dimension.

 I'd love to spark your creativity at one of my *Workshops: Painting and learning how to work with paper and fabric*

And you can watch the videos on how I made one of my paper and fabric quilts with the links below:

  How I did my Quilt *Orange Blossoms* 

                    How I did my quilt *Orange Blossoms* 2