Teaching engagements


*Faux Bleached Painted Cloth* it's what I am going to teach at the Creative Variety Forum at the Virtual Quilt Festival on June 18th! You can see live this technique from start to finish.

What it's so nice about the Forum is that you will have 5 teachers in total presenting different topics each and at the end you have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you want. I am very excited because I am in very good company.

Talking about teaching, a couple of weeks ago I finished teaching two days with two different groups at the Modern Guild of Memphis. I suggested different topics and they chose the six hours workshop *Printing Bliss*. It was fun since I belong to that guild and gave me the opportunity to get to know better some of the members that sometimes we only greet at the meetings and don't have the time to have a good conversation. 

Here are some photos...

Most of them didn't know anything about silkscreening at the beginning of the day then they went home with a stack of a variety of silkscreened designs, learned how to do the *Surprised Printing*  and also learned how to cut their own screens by hand. This is a very complete workshop. I am grateful for the chance to show my group my love of painting on cloth.

It is Summer where I live...that means that I am outside in my garage painting and this year I am trying something very different, I will share more in my next posts, well if I have time to write HA if I can stop the fun!

NEW Article in the Magazine *Quilting Arts*


My newest article is out! 

In there I showed you how to *mimic* bleached effects on a painted cloth. It's an unusual way to achieve depth in color without the use of harsh chemicals.

I am on page 66.

Here are some samples of the processed cloth.

The cloth end up so soft that it's very easy to sew by hand. I used Aurifil Wool thread

This is the cover, beautiful art by Betty Busby. You can find more information HERE

I hope you try this new technique. It's lots of fun :)