*NEW* Article in Quilting Arts Magazine

My latest article is out! Featured in the October/November 2020 issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.

As quilters we love texture. Sometimes we like to try to find different kinds of fabrics for just that reason but unfortunately the fiber content can make it tricky to sew. What if I told you that you can transform almost any quilting fabric into a textured piece of cloth? That's the topic of this article. 

By using Flock Sheets on fabric you can create velvety texture. You will need a silkscreen, you can get it at My Store or you can use a stencil that you already have.

The borders of this quilt have been made with this technique. I made 4 different pieces and sewed them together. I think the blue circles make this art quilt sing...don't you think?

I hope you will try this new technique!

You can read  HERE my other latest article where I show how to add texture with paint!

I am linked to: NinaMarie

Stay safe :)

*Craft Napa* 2020- Part TWO


And these are photographs of  the fun we had together in my third class. *Hand Appliqué with Paper and Fabric*

 What an intense experience this was.  I met wonderful students, quilters and artists. I also reconnected with friends. I am grateful for the opportunity to teach at this show.My heart is full of beautiful memories.
You can see more pictures HERE

*Craft Napa* 2020- Part ONE

Student work - Technique: *Instant Paper-Cloth*
I just returned from Craft Napa. What a wonderful experience it was. This is the fifth year Pokey Bolton organized this event. She really knows how to kick off the New Year with inspirational classes in the gorgeous Napa valley.
We were 17 faculty members and 250 students. Most of the daily events took place at the Embassy Suites Hotel. It ensured that we could mingle more during meal times or just sitting around during the breaks, thus giving us the opportunity to know each other a little bit more outside the classroom. The energy was very positive - it made it a happy meeting.
I gave the first of my three workshops, called *Surprise Printing on the GO*, at Pokey's Barn, which is located just a few miles from the Hotel. It is an ideal place to make a beautiful painted mess.  I took the photograph below just before my students arrived. Each student had their own table!

Following are some pictures of the last assignment the students worked on (I forgot to take pictures from the first ones).

 We also designed our own silkscreen:

The group together.
The second class I taught was my workshop *Instant Paper-Cloth* and it was at the Hotel. Here are some of the students' work:

And this is the group photo:

I am so proud of each of my students, they did a marvelous job!
You can see more pictures HERE