My latest Article in *Quilting Arts Magazine*


*Vibrant and Bold* 
My latest article is out in Quilting Arts Magazine Fall 2021. It's in there where I show you how to use Infusible Ink to color polyester sheets.

I am on page 112. It is a neat technique to achieve vibrant colors.

Just recently, after this article was wrote, sadly the company discontinued the production of the light mixed media sheets. Don't despair, I found alternatives, please read below:

for a transparent effect I used this product Light Lutradur

for an opaque effect I used Medium Weight Interfacing

Just followed the same instructions written on the article and you will achieve wonderful bold colors. 

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope you will try this new technique and have as much fun as I did. 
This is the beautiful cover (artwork by Sue King)