Cheeseclothskins - Text on Sheers
I love TEXT on FABRIC. My ORIGINAL technique that I often use is “Cheesecloth Skins”. Throughout the years I developed different ways to incorporate lettering in my work. It was published in Quilting Arts -Summer 2020- and Quilting Arts TV.
With this technique you can create a sheer layer of hand-calligraphy.
You can use this technique on sheer fabric or cheesecloth! What I like the most about this is that you could audition your composition before you paste these layers on to the cloth.
On the above sample I used a sheer layer on cheesecloth (the flower vase)
The above photograph shows a work in progress. On this sample I used a layer on sheer cloth and cheesecloth. I was never satisfied with this piece; even though I took it to the set while filming at Quilting Arts TV.
I think I would like to do more hand-embroidery and maybe some beading?