Gift Card Holder + Luggage Tag
I love to give out *gift cards* as a present because the recipient can choose whatever they want or need. This year instead of presenting them inside a paper envelope I decided to make an unusual one in the shape of a luggage tag. Once they used the card they can hang the tag on their suitcase and because it's colorful they can easily identify their luggage while traveling.
I used a material that it's easy to sew, paint, weightless and sturdy enough. It is called Kraft-tex. Let me guide you through the process.
What you will need to make seven luggage tags:
- piece of white Kraft-tex measuring 21 1/2 inches by 5 inches
- piece of 4 gauge vinyl measuring 21 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches
- one hole puncher
- paints
- liquid matte medium
Start by cutting the Kraft-tex and vinyl as follows:
Paint one side of the Kraft-tex, let it dry and then paint the other side
Once dried seal the surface with liquid matte medium on both sides. This way you make the luggage tags water resistant.
What happened if your vinyl is all wrinkled like mine?
Cut seven shapes following this pattern:
Put the vinyl on top of the lower part of the tag shape.
DO NOT PIN, use a piece of blue painters tape in the middle, as shown to make it easier to sew. Sew slowly with regular weight thread (I used 40 weight at the needle and bobbin).
Punch a hole in the middle, insert the ball chain and voilá your one of a kind luggage tags are ready!