Paper and Fabric Birthday Bag
I've been invited to a birthday party and have been asked to make a bag to collect money for the birthday girl. So I whipped up this bag in an hour! Best of all I had all the materials at hand. Let me guide you through the process:
Cut a piece of fabric 12 inches by 8 inches. Mark with chalk or pen in the middle.
On a piece of plain copy paper, stamp a word. In this case I stamped "tesoro" which means "treasure" in Spanish. If you don't have an alphabet stamp you can write with a black marker or you can even print the word from the computer.
Cut the word out. From a magazine page, cut a rectangle slightly bigger.
With school glue paste it in the lower part of the right side of your fabric. Sew around it.
Cut two circles from felt and from another magazine page of contrasting color cut a smaller circle and choose a decorative button for the center.
It will look like this.
Sew it in place.
Choose a colorful ribbon and sew it all around the upper edge. Cut a piece 12 inches long and sew it in the middle, 2 1/2 inches from the top edge like shown in the picture.
With the help of a pin, hold the ribbon in one place. This way when you sew your bag around it doesn't get caught in the seams.
Sew around and a diagonal line on each corner, this helps the bag to stand better.
With a big eye needle pass the ribbon through a decorative button and make a knot at the end.
You have finished your bag and it's ready to give out as a lovely gift!